Alright ladies, summer is not officially here, but you can't tell by the temperature outside right now in Atlanta.
Even this heat-styled natural knows when to retreat. The summer months are usually the months that my flat-iron doesn't see much action. I'm going to continue with protective styling and hopefully I'll see some significant length retention. I have braids in right now and I hate them. I haven't had cornrows since... years ago. I was debating the idea of getting a short cut sew-in, but I don't know how to do it myself and I have trust issues when it comes to stylists. I'll most likely opt for a half-wig. I retain a lot of length with them.
How will you be wearing your hair? Braids? Twists? Sew-ins? Wash-n-go? Buns? Wigs? Or are you lucky enough to not have to worry about it?